The FY23 budget is now loaded! And is viewable in both PeopleSoft/Budget Overview as well as Cognos reports.
Below are a few reminders/things to remember as we prepare to roll into the new year.
Clearing Deficits:
Please continue to clear FY22 deficits.
DBT Load:
Job/Position/Department Budget Data has been loaded and ePar for FY23 can be submitted.
As a reminders, hourly employees cannot be paid on State Funds.
Budget Checking:
As a reminder, effective this past fiscal year, budget checking for Concur was updated
to be consistent with other EIS proceAutomated Budget Authorizations (ABA) for FY23
should not be submitted until September 12th. sses such as ePRO, Vouchers, and GL
FY23 ABAs:
This will allow UBO to approve/post all FY22 entries by the System Deadline of 9/10/22.
Anything received prior to this date will be treated as a FY22 transaction.
Please reach out to your College or Division Budget Officer/Academic Financial Officer with questions or concerns.