Please log into UNT Bridge to register for training.
Budget Training Courses
Our Budget Training courses are a series of training sessions that empower users with the tools they need to manage their budgets. Trainings are assessed on an ongoing basis to ensure they are meeting the needs of campus users. Feel that something is missing or additional training is needed? Please contact the University Budget Office and let us know!
Questions? Contact the University Budget Office at
Ongoing Support
Training is an ongoing need as processes change and reports are enhanced. The Budget Office offers multiple training opportunities for new hires and seasoned staff members to stay up-to-date including First Fridays with the Budget Office and Open Lab with the Budget Office.
Other Trainings
Cash Handling Controls Training is a non-budget related online training that is required annually for any employee or student that is involved in any stage of the processing of cash, currency, coin, credit cards, wires, or EFTs. Cashier Training is an online training available for the department of Dining and Athletics for their cashiers/volunteers. Cash Handling Training is managed by University, Integrity and Compliance department.